Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia

campus asia overview
The CAMPUS Asia Program is a government-supported initiative aimed at enhancing educational exchanges among universities in Asia. It originated from a proposal made by Prime Minister Hatoyama during the 2nd Trilateral Summit held in Beijing on October 10, 2009, which called for an intergovernmental expert meeting to discuss quality-assured exchanges. To realize this vision, the CAMPUS Asia Project was launched.
Timeline of Key Events
- April 16, 2010: The 1st Japan-China-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities was held in Tokyo.
- December 10, 2020: The 2nd Japan-China-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities convened in Beijing.
- May 17, 2011: The 3rd Japan-China-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities took place in Jeju.
- November 1, 2011: Approval of CAMPUS Asia Project, Mode-1, which included 10 programs running from 2011 to 2015.
- October 1, 2016: Approval of CAMPUS Asia Project, Mode-2, consisting of 17 programs from 2016 to 2020.
- November 2, 2021: Approval of CAMPUS Asia Plus Project, Mode-3, featuring 20 programs for the period 2021 to 2025. Our program continues within this framework.
Double Degree Pilot Program
The CAMPUS Asia Program includes a pilot program designed for students pursuing double degrees at two universities among Kyushu University (Japan), Pusan National University (Korea), and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) under Mode-1 and Mode-2 (2011-2020). Additionally, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia joined the CAMPUS Asia Plus EEST Mode-3 in 2021, further enriching the collaborative efforts of this initiative.