Keynote Speakers

View our distinguish list our keynote speakers who will be talking on important topics related to carbon reduction

Schedule & Venue

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Authors are invited to submit original papers between 4-6 pages in English on topics related to the conference scope

About the Conference

The International Conference on Combustion, Incineration/Pyrolysis, Emission and Climate Change (i-CIPEC) is an important conference focusing on thermal engineering and carbon reduction related research topics. The main target of this conference is building a platform for the scientists and engineers to share their research output and experience. This conference began in Korea in the year 2000 and has since been routinely organized by different countries in the following years. i-CIPEC 2024 will be organized by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and co-organized by Malaysian Association of Research Scientists (MARS) and University of Seoul Korea, focusing on the theme of energy transition for net zero world.

Conference Scope

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers/abstracts related to the conference theme or the following scopes below. The paper/abstract must be written in English. The abstract must not exceed 250 words and the length of the paper should be between 4-6 pages long including figures, tables and references.


  • Gas Turbine
  • Advanced Combustion Technology
  • Products of Incomplete Combustion (PICs)
  • Combustion of Disaster Waste

Conversion to Clean Energy

  • Thermal Treatment of Sewage Sludge
  • Pyrolysis and Gasification
  • Biomass

Waste-to-Energy Conversion

  • New Waste-to-Energy Technology
  • Mechanical to Biological Treatment (MBT)
  • Fuels from Waste
  • Biogas

Emission Control (Air Pollution)

  • Advance Emission Control Systems
  • Emission Control and Management
  • PM2.5, PM10, Heavy Metal and Nuclides

Global Warming and Green House Gases (GHGs)

  • Climate Change Issues
  • New/Green/Renewable/Alternative Energy
  • Hydrogen Technology
  • CO2 Capture Storage (CCS)
  • GHGs Management and Emission Trading

Environmental Health Effect

  • Environmental Issues with Combustion, Incineration and Alternative Energy
  • Hazardous Waste Treatment
  • Health Risk Assessment of PICs and Air Pollution

Economy and Policy

  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
  • Input-Output Analysis and Material Flow Analysis (MFA)
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
Fire Safety
  • Fire Engineering
  • Explosion and Fire Dynamics
  • Fire Protection System and Hazard Management

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline

31st July 2024

Notice of Acceptance Abstract

31st August 2024

Full Paper Submission Deadline

30th September 2024

Notice of Acceptance Full Paper

31st October 2024

Camera Ready Copy Deadline

20th November 2024

Early Bird Registration & Payment Deadline

15th November 2024

Regular Registration & Payment Deadline

10th December 2024

Conference Date

18th – 20th December 2024


All accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes of Mechanical Engineering (LNME) by Springer (SCOPUS indexed proceeding)

Scan the QR code below to download the conference brochure:

Contact Info

Secretariat i-CIPEC 2024

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

+607 555 7035

Important Links

Faculti of Mechanical Engineering, UTM

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