My Book Chapter Under title ” Current Issues and Problems in the Joining of Ceramic to Metal” Free download

I have new book chapter under title “Current Issues and Problems in the Joining of Ceramic to Metal” in the book title “Joining Technologies” already published in the INTECH Publisher at 21st September 2016. I would like to send the link of download of my chapter with this post. I am providing you Prof/Dr/Researcher with the following personal download link, which will provide free open access to that chapter.


Ceramics and metals are two of the oldest established classes of technologically useful materials. While metals dominate engineering applications, ceramics have some attractive properties compared to metals, which make them useful for specific applications. The properties of individual ceramics and metals can vary widely; however, the characteristics of most materials in the two classes differ significantly. Joints between a metal and ceramic are becoming increasingly important in the manufacturing of a wide variety of technological product. But joining ceramics to metallic materials often remains an unresolved or unsatisfactorily resolved problem. This chapter deals with problems of various studies in recent years on the joining between two materials.