Flame synthesis is carried out in the production of Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). The usage of flame instead of the conventional chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesis brings upon many advantages especially its huge possibility to reduce energy consumption and cost. Theoretically, flame synthesis would be the best method for large-scaled production of carbon nanotubes. In HiREF laboratory, the research team has recently successfully achieved a greater control of the growth temperature and spatial distribution; which opens up a new road for developing its potential for economical mass production purpose.

Moving along the planned technological roadmap for flame synthesis, the team are currently working towards the realization of industrial-scaled production of carbon nanotubes. The advances in terms of upgrading the present rig will be made accordingly to suits needs of each stage.

Be part of our team, we are welcoming new members to our group as:
- Graduate Students
- Undergraduates Project (UGP) Students
- Research Volunteers
- Industrial Internship
- Research Internship
Contact details – Dr. Mohd Fairus Mohd Yasin
- Email: mohdfairus@mail.fkm.utm.my
- Phone: O: +607-5534574 HP:+6019-9724058
- Address: High Speed Reacting Flow Laboratory (HiREF), Block E06, School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor